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Dyslexia Awareness Week: "Breaking Down Barriers"

Pupils at Frewen College have been participating in Dyslexia Awareness Week. This year's theme is 'Breaking Down Barriers'. 

Pupils have been thinking about the strategies they use to overcome their own barriers to learning. The Prep School pupils shared their ideas:

"I find it difficult to remember things, so I use pictures and notes to help me"; "I find reading hard and so I use the reading button on the computer";  "I don't know my left and right and so I use my hands to help";  "I prefer to talk to the computer instead of typing".

To help get the message across, pupils enjoyed breaking down a huge wall which had been constructed in front of the school.

The whole school went 'pen free' on Friday.  Teachers and pupils thought of creative ways of delivering and accessing the curriculum.  Activities included debates, quizzes and drama workshops.  Younger pupils had an active learning day all about WW2 using the school's parkland and worked as a team to re-enact the Dunkirk rescue. 

Pupils have also been learning about other famous dyslexics such as Richard Branson, Tom Cruise, Leonardo Da Vinci, Walt Disney and Jamie Oliver.  

"The clear message at Frewen College is that dyslexia need never hold you back.  With the right learning tools and specialist teaching, we can break down the barriers and ensure that every pupil achieves their full potential."

Nick Goodman, Principal


  • British Dyslexia Association (BDA)
  • Crested
  • The Good Schools Guide
  • Boarding Schools Association
  • Elklan's 'Communication Friendly Schools
  • Independent Schools Association