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The Frewen Staff Team

Around 90 staff are employed by Frewen College, including Teaching staff, Boarding staff, Classroom Support staff, Therapists, Admin and Finance staff, Catering, Cleaning, Maintenance and Gardening Staff and Drivers.

A full list is available below, or click on the links on the left to find out more.

Senior Staff 

Name Position
Mr M Loveday

BA (Hons), QTS, Dip SpLD, NPQH


Miss K Skinner,
BA (Hons), MA (Hons), QTS, NPQSL 

Deputy Head
Mrs Y Crundwell,
Business Manager

Mrs Hazel McCalvey,
BA (Hons), PGCE, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia

Head of Upper School & Designated Safeguarding Lead

Teaching Staff 

Name Role
Mr I Barnett Individual Instrument Tutor
Miss C Beaumont,
BA (Hons), PGCE, ELKLAN Accreditation Level 3, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia
Food & Nutrition 

Mr S Booth

BSc (Hons), MSc, PGCE


Ms C Bushe

BA (Hons)

Miss N Cardinale,
BSc (Hons), PGCE, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia
Miss N Carpenter,
BA (Hons), OCN Level 3 Dyslexia 
Lead Practitioner & KS2 Teacher
Mrs C Claasen,
DipHE/DipEd, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia
Mr L Claasen,
BA (Hons), HDE, OTT, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia
English & Archery Coach
Mrs E Dewar,
BA (Hons), PGCE, PG Cert SpLD Level 7 ATS, MDG, APC
Specialist Intervention Teacher and Access Arrangements Assessor

Mrs D Fraser,

BA (Hons)

KS2 Teacher

Mrs L Herriott,

BA(Hons), PG Dip, PGCE, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia

Geography and History

Mrs D Hurford-Jones,

BA (Hons), PGCE, Bushcraft Certificate Level 3

Mrs M Ham Singing & Piano

Mrs J Hambleton,

BA (Hons), OCN Level 3 Dyslexia

PE & Outdoor Education Teacher

Mr L Howard,

BA (Hons) PGCE

Cover Supervisor

Mrs S Jefferson,

BA (Hons), PGCE, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia


Ms R Lowe

BA (Hons), PG Dip, NCTJ Media Law, RSA CELTA, PGCE, Chartered Status

Head of English

Mrs M O'Connor 

BSc (HON) Biochemistry, PGCE, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia

Head of Mathematics 
Mr D Sangster,
BA (Hons), PGCE

Head of Art


Mrs M Saunders

BSc,PGCE, NCRQ level 3

Head of DT 

Ms R Taylor-Wade

BA (Hons) Humanities, PGCE


Mr J Torres,

 BS C( Hons)

Mr S Wassell,
BSc (Hons), PgDip, PGCE, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia
Head of Science

 Mrs S Welch,                                                                                   Head of Prep School & Tribunals

BA (Hons) with QTS, Dip SpLD, ELKLAN Accreditation Level 4


Name Role

Ms B Driver,
MSc, CCC-SLP, MRCSLT, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia

Speech & Language Therapy
Mrs N Foster,
BSc (Hons), BAOT, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia
Occupational Therapy

Mrs L York

OCN Level 3 dyslexia

Therapy Assistant  
Mrs A Smith,
BSc (Hons), MRCSLT, OCN Level 3 dyslexia
Speech & Language Therapy

Mrs L Tait

BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy, Sensory Integration Practitioner, OCN level 3 Dyslexia 

Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Mrs V Wood,
Bsc (Hons) MCSP, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia
Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist 

Teaching Assistants/Technicians 

Name Role

Mrs F Barnett

BSc (Hons)

Sixth Form
Mrs O Boulding,
Science Technician
Mr G Carlton-Blake Prep School
Mrs M Davey,
BA (Hons), OCN Level 3 Dyslexia
Senior School
Mrs Z Dunga,
NNEB, OCN Level 3 Dyslexia
Prep School
Mr N Easthope Sixth Form
Mrs J Holt,
OCN Level 3 Dyslexia, NVQ Level 3 Childrens Care Learning & Development
Senior School

Mr S Lerbech

OCN Level 3 Dyslexia

Design Technology

Miss F Parker 

B.Ed  (Hons), OCN Level 3 Dyslexia

Senior School
Mr J Sams Sixth Form


Name Role

Miss H Lewis,

BA (Hons)

Head of Boarding 

Mr J Potter 

BA (Hons), PGCE


Mrs L Katz

Assistant Housemistress

Mr M Uren Assistant Housemaster
Miss D Ide

Assistant Housemistress

Mrs R Redford Boarding Assistant


School Matron 

Name Role

Mrs C Allsopp,

BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, ALSA

School Matron

School Doctor 

Name Role
Dr James,
Doctor (Northiam GP)

Administration Staff 

Name Role
Mrs A Baker Head’s Personal Assistant & Admissions
Mr A Baxter Network Manager
Ms C Brimmicombe-Wood Data and Examinations Manager
Mrs K Dennett Finance Officer
Mrs G Rodriguez Luis-Ravelo Marketing Manager

Mrs L Miller

BA (Hons)

Admin & Finance Assistant

Mrs J Thompson

Cert Ed, TEFL Masters, ELKLAN LV3

SEND & Reviews Manager

Miss M Skonieczna Student Support & Family Liaison Officer

Maintenance and Grounds

Name Role
Ms S James Gardener
Mr D Le Cornu Head Gardener
Mr B Ranson Maintenance
Mr A Smith Estates Manager
Mr A Stretton Maintenance

Catering Staff

Name Role
Mrs M Finlay Chef
Mrs Z Moore Kitchen Assistant
Mrs D Noonan Kitchen Assistant
Mr D Quye Chef Manager
A Stocks Chef
Mrs J Wilde Kitchen Assistant
Mrs T Woollett Assistant Catering Manager


Name Role
Mrs L Curtis Cleaning Assistant

Mrs J Heskett

Cleaning Assistant

Mrs P Payne Laundry Assistant
Mrs G Ramsden Cleaning Assistant
Mrs S Hulson Cleaning Assistant
Mrs H Igglesden Cleaning Assistant
Mrs R Redford Head of Housekeeping


Name Role
Mrs J Heskett Minibus Driver
Mr I Redstone Minibus Driver
Mrs M Verlander Minibus Driver
Mr P Verlander Minibus Driver

Miss H Lewis 

Head of Boarding 

BA (Hons)

Having been a boarder myself from an early age I just knew I was destined to find a career in pastoral care. I have been a Girls’ Boarding Housemistress for many years now, before taking on the role of Head of Boarding. I live onsite with my Labradoodle, Penny, and Tortoise, Luna. The ever-changing world brings into sharp focus the importance of a full holistic education, and the part I play in the lives of the students in my care is one I feel very proud to have.

I run fun and relaxed boarding houses and encourage positivity and individuality. I have a BA in History, love a good chat about pretty much anything, enjoy arts and crafts, movie nights (with popcorn - of course!) and singing loudly and out of tune which the students find highly entertaining! It is a privilege and a joy to watch the students grow in confidence and develop their own sense of self.