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'Not a Christmas Show'

The Y11 Frewen BTEC Music students were tasked with organising a gig as part of their coursework. After much discussion, they decided to put on a show at the end of the Christmas term, but with a 'Not a Christmas Show' theme. They planned the programme, organised the running order, stage plan, timings, rehearsals and sound checks, not to mention performing as the main act at the start and the end. They included the Y7 Choir, Y9 Samba Band, the Y10 Band and also the Y10 BTEC group who made their debut performance with great style.

The concert became two separate performances, so that the whole of the school could be there, and the music students were really pleased with how it turned out. They received some excellent feedback from staff and students who were impressed with the quality and variety of the musical numbers.

They wanted me to pass on their thanks to everyone who helped them and to everyone that clapped, shouted and cheered them on during the performances!

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  • British Dyslexia Association (BDA)
  • Crested
  • The Good Schools Guide
  • Boarding Schools Association
  • Elklan's 'Communication Friendly Schools
  • Independent Schools Association